Candida Yeast Infection Relief
There is one key to eliminating Candida.
Without doing this, you won’t get rid of it.
No matter what you take and how much you diet.
By Robert Harrison, Natural Health Consultant
Candida Spit Test: If you aren’t sure you have Candida overgrowth, do the simple home test described here.
In order to get rid of Candida, there is one basic fact to know. Understanding this will save you from taking years of anti-fungal medicines, herbs or other natural Candida fighters, It will save you years of dieting. All to no avail.
"Over 20 years ago diagnosed with Candida (vaginal) after my doctor gave me a strong course of antibiotics. I proceeded to try every remedy going, every drug, every alternative treatment, anti Candida diets with every supplement available, other supplements in incredibly high dose.... Nothing worked, not even a little so I gave up.... I recently went back to a specialist who pretty much told me I'm stuck with it." Lisa
"Hope this finds you well! I just HAD to write to tell you how Wonderful your CandElim product is! ....Quite remarkable really, since I have tried Oh-So-Many-Products for literally decades and, wasted thousands of dollars in the process!
I cannot thank you enough Robert! I actually think I now have an inkling of what it feels like to be "normal"! I will keep in touch. Please accept my heartfelt thanks once more! Sincerely, Elizabeth"
Check out the testimonials page.
What You Need To Know First
Candida, other fungi, yeast and mold all produce spores to reproduce.
When you attack Candida, they are stimulated to release spores. Spores are how fungi and mold reproduce. Candida assure their survival by releasing spores which can lodge anywhere in body -- awaiting just the right conditions to reactivate. They remain "dormant" so long as they sense the immune cells trying to attack Candida. As spores, they tend to attract only a minor response from the immune system.
Unfortunately, spores are NOT killed by dieting. Spores are NOT killed by anti-fungal medicines or products.
Herbal and medical Candida fighters include garlic, oregano oil, other essential oils, olive leaf extract, pau de arco, caprylic acid, coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, Diflucan, Nystatin, and more.
After you stop your diet, or stop taking the anti-fungals, the spores in your body bloom. Candida regrows. You are back where you started... Though poorer, and having suffered through that diet - to no avail.
You won't read about diet not being able to kill Candida spores on the sites selling diet information. You won't read how the shell of the spores protects them from the actions of antifungal products. Not on sites selling anti-Candida supplements. But you will read about it here.
Our liquid Candida yeast fighting supplements do get rid of the spores. Thanks to a unique frequency technology. They do enable you to beat Candida.
There is no such thing as getting rid of Candida or yeast overgrowth fast. You can clear up a vaginal infection fast. Though it will come back if it developed from an overgrowth of Candida. But you can't get rid of Candida overgrowth in the body fast. Don't trust anyone who says you can.
You are wasting money, time and effort if you don't get rid of the spores along with the Candida. You are wasting your money, time and effort if you stop too soon - even it you are starting to feel great. There will still be Candida and spores deep in your body.
You will need at least a year to wipe out Candida and its spores. We will show you how. We can also help you heal the damage Candida overgrowth has caused in your body. To get you as healthy as possible.
But first, start with the anti-Candida, anti-spore supplement that is best for you.
It is the fundamental action to take.
Four Candida Fighters That (Unlike Other Supplements) Eliminate Candida Because They Eliminate Candida Spores Along With Candida
You can choose among four anti-Candida supplements that will send Candida spores out of the body. Using at least one of these for a year is a necessity if you want to get rid of your Candida and not have it come back right away. (Though you can alternate them if you want.)
Most carry frequency instructions, similar to homeopathy or flower remedies. These instructions are specific though. They tell the immune system and the lymph system to grab hold of the spores and carry them out of the body. There's not any other way to get rid of Candida spores. They can't be killed by herbs, anti-fungals, and so on. The highly charged electrons in Alka Super C do zap and kill them. But this is a completely unique product.
Our most easy to use, and and oldest, Candida and Candida-spore killer, the one mentioned in most of the testimonies on this site, is...
CandElim's Candida fighting ability is superb. The testimonies on this site feature CandElim because it has been helping people better than any other supplement ever has.
CandElim fights Candida in many ways.
1. CandElim uses herbs, essential oils and more combined with a set of vibrational frequency energetic instructions encoded into the water using unique proprietary technology. These energetics disrupt and kill Candida and other pathogens. Throughout the body. Outside the circulatory system.
2. These instructions also boost the immune system response so that it will more effectively fight Candida.
3. The vibrational frequencies gradually deactivate and destroy Candida spores throughout the body.
4. Plus they supercharge the Candida destroying essential oils and herbal extracts in CandElim. The frequencies prevent Candida from adjusting to the herbs in it -- enabling them to work effectively for a long time.
5. Instructions in CandElim (and CandXpel) stop production of the chitin synthase enzymes needed for the Candida to produce chitin. And to stop repair of damaged chitin. Consequently the chitin cell membrane of Candida will become damaged and weak. And...
The immune system and the anti-Candida herbs and oils in CandElim will be able to more easily and effectively deal with Candida overgrowth.
The energetic frequency instructions make the oils and herbs in CandElim work much more effectively than they do on their own, without the instructions.
6. CandElim also kills Candida, bad bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens -- with the focus on Candida.
7. CandElim carries sets of instructions to aid the detoxification process -- so that die-off will not be as bad as it could be.
What sets CandElim apart from other Candida fighters: The frequencies it, BMWE and CandXpel carry to your body deactivate Candida spores, and gradually eliminate Candida hiding out in parts of the body which the immune system, herbs, oils, extracts and other Candida remedies cannot access.
CandElim is a proprietary blend of the following:
Frequency Enhanced Purified Water,
Herbal Extracts of: Olive Leaf, Magnolia-Officialis, Yucca, Astragalus Root, Pau D'Arco, and Dandelion Root.
Flower Essences of: Larch, Pine, Oak, Redwood.
Pure Organic Essential Oils of: Cedarwood (Thuja), Clove Stem, Fir Needle, Juniper Berry, Lemon Grass, Oregano, Pine, Spruce, Peppermint, Cinnamon Bark, Orange, Lemon.
Minerals: Volcanic origin ORMUS, Humic and Fulvic Minerals.
It takes at least a year to eliminate candida and all its spores. In order to do so, you would need to use, once you work up to that dose, 2 bottles a month for 4 months, and then 1 bottle a month for 8 more months. (You would also need to replenish your friendly flora with TotalFlora15.)
A bottle supplies approximately 30 drops a day for a month. Taken directly in the mouth and held for a minute, or put in a liquid and drunk right down. Take once or twice a day with meals.
When using two bottles a month, take the full dose two times a day with meals. CandElim is very easy to take.
As CandElim is powerful, and as die-off symptoms occur when you rapidly kill Candida, start with a low dose. Typically starting with 6 drops once a day works well.
But if even this dosage seems to cause too much die-off, reduce to using two or three drops once a day to start with, and gradually increase every few days or so. Go by how you feel.
"This stuff works great. After the first 4 days I stopped having sugar cravings. I really didn't go into a bad die off at all and started out slow recommended with just 2 or 3 drops and now I am up to almost 2 droppers full a day. I have lost 37 pounds since the end of March. I still have a ways to go but I am steadily going in the right direction. Thanks for an affordable and effective product." Tula B. Sept. 30, 2021
CandElim comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. $49.95
This next product is slightly more expensive, a bit more complicated to take, and a hair not as strong a candida fighter, but still a great one. However, it is a more powerful virus fighter, a parasite fighter, a super "unwanted cell" fighter, an excellent detoxification product, and supports the health of all your cells in your body. So it does a lot more overall.
Alka Super C
In Alka Super C, vitamin C is bonded to OH water molecules. This creates a unique, alkaline, electron-charged, liquid. The bonded vitamin C acts as an extra electron attached to the OH water molecule. Alka Super C easily gives up its electrons - zapping candida, candida spores, all small pathogens, toxins and even “unwanted, non-functional” cells. In addition it will significantly improve the health of your cells as it donates electrons to your cells. This increases cellular voltage, energy, and stimulates repair of cells.
Alka Super C contains only a very small amount of vitamin C. More is not needed. It works in a far different way than any other vitamin C supplement. It is not an antioxidant like vitamin C is. Rather it is an oxidant that can destroy pathogens and toxins. (So the vitamin C supplements you may be on do not take its place…)
Alka Super C is highly effective in zapping and killing all pathogens. Everything from viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma to parasites, candida, fungi and mold. Better still, it will zap the spores of candida, fungi and mold so that they cannot later bloom and reinfect you.
Alka Super C also increases the health and life force of normal cells. Healthy cells can handle the highly charged electron it donates to your cells. In fact they thrive on these electrons. In general, the higher the voltage your cells have, the healthier they will be and the healthier you will be.
An added benefit of Alka Super C is that it also zaps toxins with its electrons. Then its OH water molecules bond with these toxins and carry them out of the body. It is an efficient detoxifier that will not put extra load on the liver.
Alka Super C is taken orally, on an empty stomach, at least 45 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after.
Use 1 bottle a month of Alka Super C for health maintenance. For fighting candida, it is optimal to work up to using 2 bottles a month for four months, then 1 a month for about eight more months.
Alka Super C comes in a 16 ounce bottle. There are 32 one tablespoon (half ounce) servings per bottle. $59.95
This elixir supplies energetic frequencies that prevent the elimination of metabolic waste from Candida, other fungi, yeast or mold, and bad bacteria. As the wastes build up in them, they become poisoned and die. This process works very well. We have used something similar for dealing with non-functional cells for over a decade. Prevent the release of their metabolic waste.
Other instructions in BMWE stimulate the immune and lymph system to carry the dead pathogens to the skin or colon wall and push them out of the body intact. This results in less die-off symptoms and potentially a reduction of Candida symptoms overall - as BMWE begins working. Their waste toxins cause many of the symptoms experience with Candida overgrowth. With the reduction of the amount of these toxins being released by Candida, when using BMWE, and the removal of dead Candida through the skin, toxin release is overall less.
BMWE works with any type of diet. But your benefits will be the most when 40 to 60% of the diet is carbs. The more carbs these pathogens eat, the faster they die. Being able to eat carbs and thus to avoid being on the candida diet, reduces the elevated cortisol levels that a low carb diet causes. This improves the immune system response, reduces inflammation throughout the body, and prevents muscle wasting. Plus your cells have more energy as research shows that the most efficient energy production is from glucose oxidation.
The combination of strong candida killing along with reduced die off while avoiding the negative effects of being on a candida diet make BMWE the highest rated candida fighter we have.
Once you are using the full 2 bottles a month dose, use it for 4 months, then you can reduce to 1 bottle per month. Continue on this for at least 8 more months. Stop too soon, and there will still be spores in the body that will then bloom, and the candida comes back.
BMWE comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. $39.95
For children, or if you are highly sensitive to chemicals, or if you experience bad die-off when killing Candida, the product to use is...
This is a frequency remedy only - no herbs or other Candida killers. It tells the immune and the lymph systems to grab hold of Candida and escort it out of the body without killing it. Reducing die off symptoms. It is surprisingly powerful. I do suggest that you also start it at a low dose to avoid detox reactions. Even though it does not cause Candida die off, as it removes Candida and other fungi or mold from the body, your cells notice there are less toxins being produced by them, and they release toxins stored in them. These toxins cause you to feel bad. So start at a low dose to avoid this.
CandXpel also sends bad bacteria, mycoplasma. viruses and spores out of the body. As you gradually eliminate the Candida overgrowth, other chronic infections will also be reduced or eliminated. All are very gradually eliminated through the skin, colon wall or kidneys. They are packaged up so that they don't stress the skin or the kidneys, and cannot activate in the colon.
CandXpel is not quite as strong as CandElim and Silver GlucoPlus. It is the best of these Candida fighters for children to be using. And for adults who have a hard time handling Candida die off. Depending on your sensitivities, or the age of the child, start at low dose, 1 to 4 drops twice a day. Children can take their age, in drops, twice a day. For example, a 6 year old would work up to taking 6 drops twice a day. Adults work up to using 30 drops twice a day, 2 bottles a month. Stay on this full dose for six months. Then you can reduce to 1 bottle per month for another 6 months. Or switch to CandElim at six months to hit the Candida is another way.
CandXpel comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. $39.95
Finally, a candida fighter that will give you the fastest results in improving...
Bloating, GERD, and Digestive Upset
For combating these issues, use CandiClear5. The fossilized marine phytoplankton and a special clay will both absorb and eliminate Candida waste and fermentation byproducts that cause GERD. We consistently hear reports of it helping with digestive issues in a relatively short time.
It has a good synergy with CandElim, BMWE and Alka Super C, working in an entirely different way.
"I just started CandiClear5 a few days ago and have already noticed an improvement. I have severe Candida overgrowth in my intestines and since starting CandiClear5, I have a noticeable decrease in the amount of gas and bloating (still a lot but better). Thank you!" Tamara H.
Candiclear5 offers 5-way support for effective Candida control:
1. Ruptures and destroys yeast blooms.
2. Absorbs and removes toxic debris.
3. Balances pH levels.
4. Provides nutrients that fight Candida.
5. Nutritionally supports intestinal repair.
The main ingredient in CandiClear5 is a fossilized freshwater phytoplankton that shreds up both parasites and Candida that come in contact with it. If you have Candida overgrowth, you almost always have parasites too. Because CandiClear5 kills Candida mechanically, the yeast cannot develop resistance to it.
The porous structure of the fossilized phytoplankton absorbs toxins and waste debris to help reduce die-off symptoms. This product contains a large amount (9.5 grams) of the plankton per 20 gram serving, and 4.6 grams of Pyrophyllite volcanic minerals, a sacred clay, which attracts and absorbs toxins, helping to increase your pH levels to a more alkaline state - all-important for eliminating Candida.
CandiClear5 supplies per 3 scoop serving: 400mg Vitamin C, 60mg Vitamin B 6 (with P5P), and 280 mg Zinc Picolinate. It's ability to support detoxification is much greater than it previously was with the addition of 520 mg per serving each of L-Malic Acid and Calcium D-Glucarate.
The improvement in CandiClear5 with the Pyrophyllite, L-Malic Acid and Calcium D-Glucarate made it more powerful. Especially at eliminating toxins and improving the ability of your cells to detoxify. Candida toxins disrupt the ability of your cells to detoxify.
A large part of its Candida fighting ability comes from a proprietary blend (5400mg) of 16 other ingredients, with immune boosting, Candida-killing, anti-inflammatory properties: Organic Burdock root, Organic Cinnamon, Arabinogalactans (10% DHQ) from Siberian Larch, Xylitol, a sweetener that does NOT feed Candida, and actually helps to kill it, extracts of Barley Grass 4:1 Broccoli Sprouts 4:1 Parsley 10:1 Astragalus 5:1, Polycil Humic/Fulvic acid to help eliminate toxins, kill pathogens and increase mineral absorption, Apple Cider Vinegar powder to fight Candida by increasing pH, Aulterra mineral powder (to increase the absorption of these ingredients), and Organic Seabed Minerals.
CandiClear5 comes in a 1.5 pound container that will last one month when taking 3 scoops per day. Start out at just 1 scoop per day and gradually increase to full dosage of 3 scoops a day. CandiClear5 is one of the most important Candida supplements to use now that it has been improved to detoxify and to support the detoxification processes in the body even more.
(NOT FOR DOGS as they should not eat Xylitol.)
"April 28, 2014, felt like I would not live through day. 15 minutes later after taking CandiClear5 out of control nervousness and complete exhaustion subsided. At that time I could not even function for 1 minute at all normally. I was on the floor shaking badly.
Out of control shaking 85% reduced. Candida, die off working well. Disgusting white tongue reducing. Energy level, returning. I stopped my walking for 2 months. This is the first time I have felt enough energy to do it.
Digestion, bacteria control and thyroid, adrenals improving significantly. Chakras slowly balancing. Enzymes working perfectly to break down Chitin walls." Sandra G.
Certainly, a low carbohydrate diet will help your battle against Candida go faster. Unfortunately, if you are thin, you may feel as if you are wasting away. Here is something to help if you are on a reduced carbohydrate diet. Mix or bake CandiClear5 in carbohydrates. This could include juice, oatmeal, pancakes, muffins, or even cookies. CandiClear5 works even better when taken this way. It will kill more Candida, because the Candida are attracted to the carbohydrates. The carbs act as "bait" and this method allows lighter people to eat more carbohydrates.
$99.95 per container.
Three Additional Basics When Dealing With Candida
There are many supplements covered in this website. They deal with the many issues that Candida overgrowth causes in your body. The three most fundamental are next.
The Story About Transport Proteins - Why They Are Such A Big Deal
Most every nutrient or molecule has a specific transport protein that takes it into cells. If that transport protein is not available, the nutrient or molecule cannot get into the cell to do its job.
Each transport protein is regulated by a specific transport protein gene. Unfortunately, Candida toxins damage transport protein genes. Then genes cannot produce adequate amounts of transport proteins.
A major transport protein that gets affected is the toxin transport protein that carries toxins out of the body. With it, toxins are poorly eliminated by the liver. Correct this, and other issues, with...
Liver Detox Pathways Elixir
Candida toxins also damage the genes that control production of the detox enzymes in the liver. So the liver remove toxins efficiently and they build up in your body. When toxins can't be eliminated, they are shunted into cells. Over the years and decades, your body becomes full of toxins. Not only does this cause chemical sensitivities at some point, but it sets the stage for the development of cancer.
Liver Detox Pathways Elixir instructs the body to make optimal amounts of all the enzymes in the detox pathways, and to repair the genes controlling production of these detox enzymes. This repair takes about six months.
This is a big deal.
When your liver detox pathways stop working, toxins can't be eliminated and bad things start to happen in your body. Like fatigue and feeling lousy all the time. And being extremely sensitive to everything. Chemicals, smells, and more. If you are sensitive to these, your liver detox pathways are shot, and toxins are building up in your body and cells.
In addition, Liver Detox Pathways Elixir tells the body to make toxin transport proteins, the final step in the elimination of toxins. And of course, it tells the body to start repairing the genes controlling production of toxin transport proteins.
Start at a low dose with this one and gradually increase. Your liver will start working better, and eventually it will be repaired and no longer need this elixir. Once your liver is back online, so to speak, it will gradually, over the course of years, be eliminating the toxins that have accumulated in your body. This, along with eliminating your Candida overgrowth, is a basic fundamental for improving your health. Taking liver supplements or doing other types of detoxing is also fine to do, but it doesn't get your liver back online, working as it should - which Liver Detox Pathways does.
Adults use optimally two bottles a month for three months, working into that dose, and one bottle a month for three more months months. $39.95
Liver Balance Plus
This liver supporting herbal formula is, in my energetic testing, the best herbal support for the liver when it is dealing with candida toxins. As such, it is well worth using if you are suffering from die-off and other signs of liver insufficiency such as chemical sensitivities. If this is going on, then additional liver support is well worth adding in.
Liver Balance Plus is a potent liver support herbal formula that both detoxifies and rebuilds the liver gently and effectively. Work into using up to 8 tablets a day if needed. $74.95 240 tablets 100% gluten free Ingredients: Proprietary-Blend of Bupieurum Root, Dong Quai Root, Tribulus Terrestris, Dandelion Root, Atractylodes Root, Peony Root, Ginger Root, Poria Cocos Selerotium Root, Licorice Root, Chinese Mint Leaf, Hyssop Leaf, Chamaelirum Luteum Root, Cayenne Fruit.
Chronic Candida Overgrowth Causes
Adrenal Fatigue and Low Thyroid Function
Candida loves sugar. It excretes chemicals that cause you to crave sugars and other carbohydrates. Of course, because Candida can digests sugars before your body can, cravings may also be caused by low blood sugar levels.
During the nighttime, when you are fasting, the Candida are consuming your blood sugar. The brain lives on blood sugar and isn't getting enough because the Candida are eating it. It signals your adrenals to release cortisol. This tells the liver to release glucose that the brain needs. Over decades, this process wears out your adrenals, leading to adrenal fatigue. (The acetylaldahyde Candida produce also causes fatigue.)
The thyroid gland is linked to the adrenal glands. As the adrenal glands wear down, the thyroid gland also starts to perform poorly, leading to decreased temperature regulation and low metabolism.
Support Your Adrenals and Thyroid with Tyovu
While the fundamental issue of Candida overgrowth must be addressed, you can significantly improve adrenal and thyroid function by using Tyovu. This is a frequency-enhanced elixir specifically designed to optimize and improve issues associated with compromised adrenal and thyroid. It turns on support for both the adrenals and the thyroid.
Virtually every adult with candida overgrowth has worn out adrenals and a low thyroid. Adults use optimally two bottles a month for three months, working into that dose, and one bottle a month for three more months months. $39.95
It doesn't matter if the thyroid is over-active or under-active. Its instructions are to optimize thyroid function. And at the same time to be supporting the function of the adrenals.
This will help to improve metabolism and help with weight loss.
"Just wanted to take a moment to review the products Tyovu and Cellular Healing. Both are great and really work. At first when I read the description -- it provides instruction to the body to balance negative energies, I was kind of wondering if it was even possible to encode such frequencies in water. After taking it for the past few weeks, I am definitely feeling a great difference . Especially with the cellular healing elixir. I am convinced of its effectiveness in providing the right instructions to the body cells guiding towards a better healing process. Thanks and Regards."
Another must do is to replenish your intestinal flora with good bacteria.
This doesn't have to happen right away. Though it is fine to do so. But at some point as your eliminate candida overgrowth, you will need to re-establish a good balance of friendly flora to keep the Candida from overgrowing again.
Some probiotics like ThreeLac and soil based organisms do not recolonize the intestinal tract. They die out in a few days. They have benefits, but you have to get friendly bacteria recolonized in the intestinal tract to keep the Candida from growing back. An excellent probiotic, designed to work when there is candida is...
We tried to make the best probiotic formula we could and came up with TotalFlora15. Unlike many probiotics, it is a Candida killer. Better still, it does an excellent job of recolonizing the intestinal tract with billions of friendly bacteria, even in the presence of yeast.
Proper re-colonization requires the action of many types of friendly bacteria -- a few strains on their own can not do enough to fight Candida successfully -- they simply get overwhelmed and die out.
TotalFlora15 brings together the most widely accepted groups of probiotics - the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. These are known to work together synergistically, maintaining an ideal balance of "good" bacteria within your digestive tract.
One key to why TotalFlora15 works better than other probiotics at fighting Candida is the Streptococcus Thermophilus in it. This is a highly-versatile fast-acting strain of friendly bacteria which acts as a free radical scavenger. It works hand in hand with the 10 strains of Lactobacillus and four from the Bifidobacterium family.
This ideal mixture "kick-starts" a good bacterial bloom thus promoting healthy intestinal function and strengthening your immune system to inhibit Candida overgrowth.
Another reason it is able to colonize the intestinal tract so well is that it has been energized with frequency instructions that "tell" the friendly bacteria in it to cooperate with each other to form stronger, more viable colonies.
Each capsule also contains a small supply of Ascorbic Acid which keeps the bacteria viable in the bottle by maintaining the best pH. Once it is exposed in the intestines, this ascorbic acid helps modify the growing environment there making it more suitable for the blooming of good bacteria.
There are 60 capsules in a bottle. Two capsules supply approximately 30 Billion viable cells. It works best to use 4 capsules per day until your intestinal tract has returned to good health. This generally takes 6 months. After that you can use it whenever needed. $54.95 each
To ask a question or, to order these supplements...
Call Get Healthy Again at: 1-800-832-9755 or
1-616-719-1376 or go to:
GetHealthyAgain.com to order online.
Below is much more extensive information. We explain some issues in more detail. We cover more supplements, some of them important.
Feel free to continue reading. However, if you are looking for the top supplements, focus on what we have suggested already.
First, More About Candida Yeast Infections
One strange aspect of this story about Candida is how clueless most doctors are about Candida overgrowth. Or so many many people have told me. I'm not sure why. Doctors can test for it, they have anti-fungals. Though they work as poorly as they cannot eliminate it, yet they often fail to diagnose it and do not understand how many problems it causes.
I've spoken with thousands of men and women over the last decade who describe a variety of symptoms that their doctor has not been able to help them eliminate. These symptoms include issues such as lack of energy, inability to think clearly, food allergies, chemical sensitivities, low thyroid, low sex drive, recurring sinus infections, skin rashes, poor digestion, bloating, acid reflux, and more. When I ask women who had breast cancer to check if they have Candida overgrowth, 99 out of 100 do.
Candida yeast infections are not just a female issue, even though many commonly think of it this way. However, it can be anywhere in your body.
Russian researchers speculated that asthma may be caused by Candida overgrowth because the rate of increase in asthma matched the rate of increase in Candida as measured by their testing. In the 1950's studies pegged the amount of Candida overgrowth as being about 15% of the population. Now it is over 85% of the population and still rising.
The cause of this increase is as follows.
Candida are species of yeast that are supposed to be in your intestinal tract in a very small amount. They have a purpose. They have value. They are good. And just like any other species, they will expand their territory if given the chance.
They are naturally antagonistic to the friendly bacteria, and unfriendly bacteria, that comprise most of your intestinal flora. In fact, one of their jobs is to prevent overgrowth of disease causing bad bacteria. They can do so because they are tougher than bacteria. Put an equal amount of both in a room and the Candida are going to come out on top. And they are harder to kill in general.
When conditions are right, about 85 percent of the flora in your intestines is your friendly bacteria. The good guys -- the ones you can't really have too much of. When you're friendly bacteria is in this range, those pesky Candida yeast are kept in their place.
So what's happened over the last 60 years that has driven up rates of Candida overgrowth?
1. In the 1950's antibiotics hadn't been around a long time. Their use was relatively small back then compared to now. Antibiotics work on bacteria. They will kill your friendly bacteria along with bad bacteria. But not yeast. At least not most of them. When your friendly bacteria are killed off, and the Candida yeast in your intestines aren't, the Candida yeast have a lot of room to overgrow, and they do.
2. Antibiotics are fed in huge quantities to cattle on feedlots and in dairies, meat pigs, and non organic meat chickens. Many of these antibiotics make their way into the meat or the milk they produce, and you consume them when you eat non-organic animal protein. This chronically reduces the amount of friendly bacteria in your intestines.
3. Sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption has surged since the 1950's and these are Candida's favorite foods. These refined carbohydrates also reduce the amount of friendly bacteria you have. This creates an imbalance of too few friendly bacteria and too much Candida. Sugar also weakens the immune system, and the immune system can't keep do as good a job of keeping Candida in check.
4. There has been a huge increase in exposure to other drugs, especially birth control pills,vaccines, pesticides, herbicides, chemicals and more, over this time frame. The Candida yeast do a better job of surviving this onslaught of toxins than your friendly bacteria do. In addition, the environment in your body, including the immune system response, weakens.
All of this ultimately destroys much of the friendly flora and weakens the immune system so that the oxygen-loving Candida yeast begin to flourish and overgrow in the intestinal tract. At this time they put on their traveling legs and morph into anaerobic Candida fungi. No longer needing an oxygen-rich blood supply, the fungi are able to exist anywhere in the body.
Candida Overgrowth in Babies
The major cause of Candida overgrowth may not involve antibiotics at all. When the mother has Candida overgrowth, her baby picks up Candida from her in the womb. Babies are supposed to pick up the mother's friendly flora in the birth canal to jump start the development of their friendly flora. If their mother has Candida overgrowth, the baby picks up Candida fungi instead of friendly bacteria.
Having an immature immune system and barely any friendly bacteria to fight Candida, the baby basically enters the world with Candida overgrowth.
Not only does this set them up for the many chronic health issues that Candida can cause, it also makes the baby much more likely to develop autism. Especially if the baby also receives vaccinations as these are highly toxic, and the baby is not able to eliminate toxins efficiently if suffers from Candida overgrowth. It is already too toxic.
As more and more women develop Candida, more and more babies are born with it. This has turned Candida into an epidemic.
Probiotics are not necessarily good for babies and young children. Instead they should use...
Biotic Boost
Biotic Boost is a frequency enhanced water elixir that will transfer to your intestinal flora the same set of instructions that we put into TotalFlora15. This will help any probiotic or fermented food you are consuming work much better. In addition, it will boost the ability of the friendly bacteria you still have in your intestines to fight Candida.
Infants and young children should not be taking the usual probiotics adults use. They can use Biotic Boost instead.
It will be highly effective with them and they won't necessarily need a probiotic. Though the right one for their age, or fermented food, won't hurt. Infants need only 2 drops twice a day, so a bottle would last about 7 months. Young children can use their age in drops, twice a day.
Candida Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome
Which Leads To Food Allergies
The leaky gut is caused by the Candida drilling holes in the intestinal wall. This allows partially digested food to enter the bloodstream. This food is not able to be used by your cells, so your immune system must get rid of it. Over time, this ongoing exposure to undigested food hyper-activates the immune system to react to those foods with an allergic response. Food allergies are a sure sign of having a leaky gut, and thus, of Candida overgrowth.
Folks with serious, long term Candida overgrowth can be allergic to many foods. Try and stay away from these foods till until you become healthier and your immune system calms down.
As the immune system becomes more and more out of balance and sensitive, it starts to respond to other chemicals with an allergic response, and multiple chemical sensitivities develop. That's when you find it hard to leave the house because everything effects you, or so it seems.
Why More Women Have Severe Candida
About 2/3s of all Candida overgrowth occurs in women (if we consider the population of people over 15 years of age). As both men and women are equally exposed to antibiotics, this increase lies somewhat with the use of birth control pills, but primarily with Candida's fondness for progesterone.
Candida likes to eat progesterone. So what does it do?
It blocks estrogen receptors so that estrogen can't lock into them, It further disrupts the endocrine system by binding to estrogen, preventing it from being used properly by the body. Why does Candida do this?
Because estrogen and progesterone "teeter-totter" -- low estrogen levels cause high progesterone levels. So by creating low estrogen levels in your body, Candida causes progesterone levels to be elevated, providing more and more fuel for itself.
Women often have flare-ups coinciding with their period - a time when progesterone levels are higher. By the way, there are two types of estrogen -- alpha estrogen produced by the female organs, and beta estrogen produced by the adrenal glands. Both men and women need and produce beta estrogen. Not only are these beta estrogens inhibited by Candida, but the adrenal fatigue caused by the Candida overgrowth will result in even lower beta estrogen production.
So male hormones will suffer too, with low beta estrogen and low testosterone. These imbalances need to be corrected, but as men naturally produce much less progesterone than women, they do not supply such a readily available food source for the Candida. Thus, out- of-control Candida overgrowth affects more women than men.
Additional Supplements For Health Improvement and Candida Overgrowth
Unlike most Candida sites which just recommend a few products at the most, I'm going to suggest supplements that will help you deal with any and every issue that you may need to address.
High Dose Vitamin D and Vitamin K ...
Very high dose vitamin D when taken with appropriate amounts of vitamin K, to prevent vitamin D toxicity, is a very strong Candida fighter as it gets the immune system to do a much better job of fighting Candida. And does much more still. (The immune system can't eliminate Candida spores, so you definitely need one of the Candida elimination suggestions above, but this has so many benefits, everyone should be on this.) Here is the story on it.
High dose vitamin D has been used by MDs and other health professionals for reversing autoimmune diseases, reducing inflammation, preventing and fighting cancer, preventing cold, flu and Covid, for cardiovascular health and more. High dose D3 is even stronger, about 35% more effective, when taking Vitamin D Activator discussed below.
The amount of vitamin D that is optimal to use in a high dose protocol, based on my energetic testing, after seeing even higher doses recommended, is this. Use 30,000 IU a day of vitamin D3 ongoing. If you get the well absorbed, because it is emulsified, Vitamin D Mulsion Forte, $19.95, 15 drops is 30,000 IU. There are 750 drops, 2000 IU per drop, in a bottle.
Vitamin D greatly increases absorption of calcium. So to prevent vitamin D toxicity, which is excess calcium in the blood, you need to take vitamin K with it. Vitamin K will move calcium from the blood to the bones. This prevents a buildup of calcium in the blood, and helps your bones become stronger. It enables you to take high dose vitamin D3 with no problems. Because there are several types of vitamin K that have different functions, what to use optimally is a little more complicated. Vitamin K1 can be converted in the body to vitamin K2, but it also improves blood clotting while K2 does not.
So if on blood thinners, where you don’t want the blood to clot better, just use vitamin K2. The MK-7 version is the most active for moving calcium to the bones. Energetically testing optimal, and in line with other recommendations, is to take 400 mcg of MK-7 K2 a day. This is a much higher dose than normal, but with more D in the body, it is needed. (High dose D and K has so many benefits, in my opinion it is vitally important to be on forever, if only for not to get colds, flu or other infections that start with a C.
If you aren’t on blood thinners, vitamin K1 tests more optimal to use. It is much less expensive too. Your body converts K1 into K2 as needed. There are 15 types of K2, not just the MK-4 or the MK-7 that are sold for K2 supplementation. They all have a purpose in the body. Use 2000 mcg a day of K1 when on high dose D3. This is inexpensive if using Vitamin K Emulsified, $29.95. 1 drop is 500 mcg of K1, so use 4 drops a day. With 750 drops per bottle, a bottle would last six months.
If you have calcification in the joints or arteries, breasts or kidneys, if you are diabetic, which tends to cause calcification of the arteries and kidneys, or if you have stones or bone spurs, and are not on blood thinners, testing best is to use a combination of vitamin K1 with a lesser amount of MK-7. This will be a little more aggressive at removing calcification, but gives you all the other benefits of K1. What we like best is Bio-K Forte Caps, $29.95. Testing optimal is to use 4 capsules a day, 2 bottles a month. Each capsule supplies 500 mcg of K1 and 50 mcg of K2 MK-7. Once the calcification or cancer is gone, then you can switch to the less expensive, Vitamin K Emulsified, or reduce to 2 capsules a day.
There is another issue that inhibits the effectiveness of the vitamin D we do have. Candida toxins damage genes that control product of vitamin D and vitamin K transport proteins. (Along with many other transport proteins.) So the body, if you have Candida, isn't able to get that vitamin D and K where it needs to go. You can correct this, and fundamentally improve your health, with...
Vitamin D Activator
Vitamin D Activator if a frequency enhanced elixir that turns on production of the vitamin D and K transport proteins that transport vitamin D and K into cells. In our experience, 90% of the population has too few of these proteins. This is especially true if you have Candida overgrowth. Even if you take Vitamin D3 and K, your body is not able to get optimal amounts into cells.
Vitamin D Activator's ability to turn on production of vitamin D and K transport proteins Improves all aspects of health. Vitamin D is a pro-hormone and a gene regulator. Every cell in your body needs it. It modulates and improves the immune system. Reduces inflammation.
You can just use a bottle a month dose of Vitamin D Activator with high dose vitamin D3 if you are not using this for a serious health issue. If you have serious health issues, such as cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, serious candida overgrowth, and so on, testing optimal is to use 2 bottles a month of Vitamin D Activator for six months, then 1 a month ongoing after that. For as long as you are on a high dose vitamin D and K protocol.
Vitamin D Activator comes in a 2 ounce bottle. $39.95
Vitamin A, taken at a different time of day, also improves this protocol by 15% when used at the doses suggested here. This is a major improvement of this very important protocol that can greatly benefit everyone, for a very low cost. Testing optimal is to use 25,000 IU a day of vitamin A for six months, then reducing to 8000 IU a day after that. With Bio Ae Mulsion, $16.95, 12 drops is 24,000 IU, which is close enough. A bottle will last two months at this dose. At the 8000 IU a day dose, take 4 drops a day. A bottle will last six months. (There are 750 drops in a bottle.) Vitamin A must be taken at least 2 hours away from vitamin D or it interferes with absorption of D, so cod liver oil, with both A and D in it, is not a good supplement to take for vitamin D or vitamin A.
If you are able to use the emulsified D, K and A supplements described above, you get powerful health benefits for pennies a day. Using high dose D, K and A is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your health. Especially in the age of pandemics. You can make this even stronger by adding in the Vitamin D Activator as it improves effectiveness of high dose D and K by about 35%.
A Major Improvement On The Candida Diet
There is a lot of information online about the Candida diet. How you must go on a strict diet to eliminate Candida. You can spend money on ebooks promoting the diet as the primary means of defeating Candida. Or buy products being promoted as not needing the diet to work. If it sounds to good to be true, it is.
Unfortunately, doing the diet is never going to eliminate Candida overgrowth. Candida can exist too long without eating much, they can eat protein and other nutrients. They've got their spores just waiting for the right opportunity to bloom. If you are trying to deal with Candida primarily with the diet, or the diet and just the ordinary herbs and anti-Candida formulas, it just doesn't work.
Candida remains in your system -- and when you get off the diet, back it regrows.
However, not feeding Candida their favorite food, carbs, is important if you are not using BMWE -- if you want to bring your Candida overgrowth under control with any speed at all. It makes no sense to be taking actions to be killing Candida, to be changing the environment of the body to a state where Candida doesn't overgrow, while at the same time feeding your Candida its favorite fast foods.
In my muscle testing, carbohydrates, whole grain, refined or even sprouted, test a powerful 850 on a scale to 1000 for their ability to feed Candida. In other words, it tests very strong for feeding Candida.
There are several drawbacks with being on a low carb diet. It stresses your body. This causes a decrease in the immune system's ability to fight pathogens of all types. Viruses and Candida have an easier time of it. In addition, fatigue is a common symptom of extensive Candida overgrowth. Candida toxins disrupt cellular metabolism. It becomes harder to produce energy.
Being on a low carb diet makes this worse as it takes away a significant source of energy for your cells. (This is why there is a stress response with low carb and keto diets. They are just not healthy.) And of course, another drawback of the diet is that it is no fun being hungry. This is all too often the case with folks on the candida diet.
Fortunately, there is a great solution to the diet. There is one carb that does not feed Candida. Not even a bit if my testing is accurate... It is a patented, specially processed non-gmo corn starch that produces a slow sustained glucose release. It is most often used an an energy boost for workouts.
What makes is so valuable as a carbohydrate source if you have Candida overgrowth is that it will not feed Candida significantly, it at all. Plus it absorbs directly into cells. This gives your cells energy and helps to reduce fatigue. It also supports your adrenals as they won't have to kick as often to tell the liver to release glucose.
Taking this specially processed corn starch is especially important to do before bed as it may help you sleep better and reduce the burden on the adrenals. Almost everyone with Candida overgrowth ends up with adrenal fatigue at some point as Candida eats blood sugar at night and the adrenals have to kick in to replace what the Candida have eaten.
This is one of the more valuable supplements for someone with poor energy coming in at 880 on my scale to 1000.
In general for helping with Candida and not feeling starved when your reduce your carbs, eat 3 servings a day, whether it is a powder mixed in a shake, a bar, or even a gel. Try it in several different forms. A powder to mix in a shake, bars for a quick snack or just before bed. For someone with a lot of fatigue, 5 servings a day may be optimal. This is a lot, but it may make a huge difference in quality of life and energy levels.
Click here to give this patented, specially processed corn starch a try. You will get 10% off. (it is also great for blood sugar issues.) Remember to bookmark this page before you leave it so that you can get back to us. There is much more that your can do to get your health back.
Boosting and Balancing Female Hormones
Earlier, we described how Candida overgrowth digests progesterone, disrupting the hormonal system. The best female hormonal support we know of is
FemBalance is a frequency enhanced elixir. The energies in this elixir communicate to the body, telling it to balance and optimize female hormonal production. Low hormonal activity is increased, while overproduction of hormones is decreased. You don't need expensive tests or even bio-identical hormones when using FemBalance. Though you can use them. Your body is instructed to figure out for itself what it needs to be producing, and balances your hormones naturally -- always the best way to go.
FemBalance will even optimize production of testosterone - increasing sex drive - for overall health and vitality, as well as helping with the prevention of osteoporosis. $39.95 per bottle.
OCMP provides significant health benefits while, at the same time, killing Candida. It literally "alkalizes Candida to death" by increasing the uptake of minerals into the cells, boosting the strength of cells that are already healthy, while, at the same time, alkalizing and killing the unhealthy cells, as Candida prefers an acidic environment.
In addition, the potassium iodide in it has been shown to be a strong Candida killer. But it does much more...
OCMP stands for Optimize Cell Membrane Potential - For Enhanced Strength, Energy and Recovery. Boosting Cell Membrane Potential improves cellular chemistry and increases overall cell efficiency. This directly upgrades:
Cell protection and fortification (blocking access for toxins and pathogens), cell repair and recovery (increasing nutrient flow including oxygen), and cell hygiene (speeding waste transfer and emission out of the cells). Customers using OCMP report much-improved blood sugar levels.
The key factors influencing cell membrane potential are positive and negative ion concentrations. These ions work together creating “electrical gradients” within our tissues. These gradients are what keep cell membranes strong and determine how well our cells and nerves function.
The key elements or ions involved are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl–), and calcium (Ca2+). These four elements are found in abundance in almost every diet, but are often severely imbalanced at a cellular level. Increasing their intake does not automatically improve Cell Membrane Potential, indeed in many cases, CMP may actually decrease.
Our proprietary OCMP formulation is doctor-designed to provide therapeutic levels of what we call the ionic gatekeeper nutrients -- high levels of bioavailable magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese, lithium and germanium. These elements help spark the production and release of calcium and chloride ions, processes essential to continued robust health.
OCMP enhances the brain and nerve cells methylation capacity, and nutritionally supports mood elevation. Daily use will positively contribute to the detoxification process and help protect the cells and brain from mercury and other neurotoxins. It augments the body’s natural pain-relief and stress recovery processes. OCMP is also a premium anti-aging nutraceutical which, through the individual and synergistic action of its ingredients, may strongly assist in the recovery of youthful function in organs, joints and skin.
Includes therapeutic levels of: Magnesium (chelated, ionic and soluble), TriMethylGlycine (cellular repair and protection), N-Acetyl Glucosamine (intestinal, joint and skin repair and protection), Germanium 132 (cellular oxygen utilization), with supporting levels of organic lithium, selenium, zinc, iodide, vitamins and a full range of trace minerals and absorption assisting cofactors. There are 120 capsules per bottle. Start using 1 capsule and gradually increase to 4 capsules a day. $59.95
Detox and Die Off Issues Develop With Chronic Candida Infections
A major issue with Candida overgrowth is its disruption of the detoxification system, causing die off symptoms when you kill Candida. This is an ever present, and potentially debilitating issue.
I have spoken to way to0 many people who can't fight their Candida overgrowth at all. Because when they do so, the toxins from the killed Candida cannot be handled by their body.
And they feel really really bad.
This is called Die Off.
It is why we say to start taking your Candida killers at a very small dose, so as not to kill more Candida than your body and especially your liver can detoxify effectively. If your liver or your cells can't handle the the additional Candida toxins they become exposed to, then those toxins stay in your body, get stuck in cells, and they make you feel sick or worse.
This happens because Candida has been producing toxins in your body for years. The longer you've had Candida overgrowth, the worse the effects will be. If you picked up Candida going through the birth canal, then you've been exposed your whole life, and that will be exceptionally rough.
This is why it is so important to help your children deal with their Candida overgrowth while they are young.
Not only is it easier and faster to deal with, but their bodies will not suffer as badly from chronic long term exposure to Candida.
The Other Fundamental For Dealing With Candida: Detoxification...
Candida are large pathogens and produce a lot of toxins. More than your body can detoxify. So toxins build up in your body. It takes years to eliminate these toxins. This can only happen if you have got rid of Candida, and if you consistently take products to help you detoxify.
The very best detoxification product for consistent, long term detoxing is...
This is another frequency enhanced elixir. It contains instructions telling the body to create many structured extra-large water molecules. These molecules are poorly absorbed into cells. This makes them great for detoxification. Being poorly absorbed by cells, they do not carry the toxins that they pick up in the blood or lymph system, into cells. Rather than carrying toxins into cells as ordinary sized water molecules do, they carry toxins out of the body in a highly efficient way.
An additional benefit of this production of large structured water molecules is that hydration of your cells and thus your body is improved. More unstructured water is held in the cells because the large water molecules do the job of providing the fluid need for the circulatory and lymph systems.
Use optimally 2 bottles a month of MegaHydroCule for 3 months to get the production of large water molecules increased to the fullest potential. Then you can reduce the dose to 1 bottle a month and use long term. This consistently tests as our strongest toxin removal supplement. Though other supplements are also good to use in order to detoxify the body more quickly.
MegaHydroCule comes in a 2 ounce dropper bottle. $39.95
Chronic over-toxicity, with Candida or other fungus or pathogens producing more toxins than the liver is eventually able to handle, as it start to wear down, causes...
Methylation Pathway Damage
To put it simply, the methylation pathway comprises the steps your cells go through to produce your body's most important toxin neutralizer, glutathione. When exposed to chronic toxic overload, the methylation pathways in cells and in the liver -- these are primary pathways for detoxing -- are damaged. This damage is primarily caused by the loss of the ability to make the enzymes needed for these pathways to function properly. Repair of these pathways is essential if your body is going to make glutathione and detoxify.
Candida toxins damage DNA that control these pathways. These toxins also interfere with the cell's ability to produce the needed enzymes.
If you are one of the group of people who are so unable to handle toxins that you can't kill any Candida or yeast overgrowth because of excessive die off symptoms, you have significant and major Methylation Pathway damage.
If you have fairly severe Candida overgrowth, you likely have plenty of pathway damage. If you don't have much in the way of die off symptoms when you kill Candida, your pathways are in decent shape.
If you are in bad shape, you need....
MPR -- Methylation Pathway Repair Elixir
This is a frequency enhanced elixir. The instructions it carries to your body tell your cells to produce more the the enzymes in the methylation pathway. They turn on production of these enzymes.
In addition, other instructions tell your body to repair damaged DNA genes that control these pathways. Candida toxins have damaged some of this DNA and may even cause mutations in some genes.
MPR works to try and repair this damaged DNA and genes so that your cells will continue to have properly functioning methylation pathways even after you stop taking MPR. (While you are taking it, the needed enzymes will be produced in greater numbers because of the instructions to do so contained in MPR.)
Even if you have a hard time taking anything for Candida, you should be able to take this at full dose. It will take a few weeks to get your cells making significantly more of the enzymes in the methylation pathway. Even infants can use this elixir (at just 3 drops twice a day.)
As with all the other elixirs, use 1 or 2 bottles a month. $39.95
Toxin Elimination Elixir
Like CandXpel, Toxin Elimination Elixir uses energetic vibrational frequencies concentrated in water to deliver instructions to your body. These instructions work to reduce or stamp out the major issues that cause so many of the symptoms that plague candida sufferers.
This elixir activates a process in the body where the lymph system identifies, packages and picks up all toxins including heavy metals and fat soluble toxins, and takes them to the large intestine or the skin to be eliminated. This process bypasses detoxing blockages caused by an overloaded and poorly working liver that is failing to eliminate toxins efficiently.
Toxin Elimination Elixir significantly speeds up the removal of toxins from your body. In fact, it is the very most efficient toxin elimination supplement or support, working day after day.
It works deep into the body and if used long enough, can detox all your cells, gradually and efficiently. If your body is sensitive to die-off or detoxing side effects, start at a low dose and very gradually increase.
Use ideally two bottles a month for about six months - once you work up to this dosage. Then reduce to a bottle a month for at least another 6 months though as it takes a very long time to detoxify your body, a year and a half or more of use will produce a deeper detoxification.. $39.95
"Just wanted to let you know that I am having a great result from the full Candida program from Get Healthy Again. I followed the instructions which came with the supplements and am now up to full strength with all of them. I am running low on CandElim and have ordered this plus an extra flora for good measure.
"I have found that my Candida does it's worst at night so have recently taken my CandElim at bedtime along with the gut healer. This has made a big impact on my Candida reduction as it appears the CandElim gets to work on my 'night time' Candida attacks. I am assuming this does not affect the gut healer which you take at bedtime also.
"I have systemic Candida and following a recent urine test a Candida bi product called 'Arabinose' was found in excess amounts in the urine...not good. There was also a bacteria in the urine sample to!" Karin
Healing Leaky Gut and Allergies
Candida overgrowth always leads to a damaged intestinal wall and a leaky gut. A leaky gut always leads to food allergies -- which makes allergies one of the sure indications that you have Candida yeast overgrowth. As you kill off the Candida in your intestinal tract, your body will naturally work to repair the intestinal wall, but you can speed up this process.
The two strongest supplements to use for healing Leaky Gut and getting your intestines working better are...
Intestinal Rescue
This is an herbal formula that provides broad based herbal support for repairing and "rescuing" the intestines. Candida overgrowth always damages the intestinal walls in many ways. Intestinal Rescue is one of the best formulas for healing the intestines.
The three fundamentals of dealing with Candida are eliminating the candida and its spores, getting the liver to work better again, and to repair and heal your intestines. So while we have mentioned many other issues that are well worth addressing, this is a fundamental issue and supplement.
Our intestines, from their beginning in the duodenum to the end of the colon, work to receive, inspect, filter, absorb, and eliminate everything we feed to them. Just like our hearts, they continue to do their job to the best of their ability no matter we ask of them. Unfortunately, various factors such as our food choices, the presence of persistent pathogens like yeast and fungal overgrowth, exposure to environmental toxins, and even sometimes our own body’s immune inflammatory response, can interfere with their ability to fulfill their tasks as efficiently and effective as they might. Intestinal Rescue is a powerful blend of herbs, nutrients, and prebiotics designed to support and restore the optimal functioning of the intestines. $51.95
Ingredients: Proprietary Blend of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris, leaf), Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis, leaf) Buckthorn Bark (Rhamnus frangula, bark), Oregano Leaf (Organum vulgare, leaf), Sodium Caprylate, Bismuth Citrate, Fructooligosaacharides, Tangerine Fiber (Citrus reticulata, peel), Orange Fiber (Citrus sinensis, peel), Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare, seed), Peppermint (Mentha piperita, leaf), Spearmint (Mentha spicata, leaf), Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum, fruit), Cinnamon Bark ( Cinnamomum cassia, bark)
Use it in conjunction with...
GI Pro
A unique formulation providing Neuropeptide support, GI Pro feeds your intestinal wall with a potent blend of Hydrolyzed (pre-digested) Fish Protein (HFP), clinically proven to promote intestinal health. GI Pro's HFP is collagen-based, and is a 96% bio-active protein for repairing cells and tissue. (Higher than any other product in its category.) With no rancid fish oils or allergens, and thus no fishy/bad odor, GI Pro supplies undenatured peptides for neurotransmitter support -- the intestinal wall will literally absorb these peptides and use them to repair itself.
30% of GI Pro consists of a proprietary probiotic culture of 10 organic sea vegetables and super greens. This is combined with the world's #1 Pre-biotic, NutraFlora, to encourage rapid growth and reproduction of friendly bacteria. (NutraFlora alone increases probiotic bloom 500% in one month of use.) In addition, GI Pro also supplies marine-origin, naturally-chelated trace minerals for energy, stamina and improved intestinal flora. It also provides therapeutic levels of OPC's from Grape Seed Extract (95% proanthocyanidins) for their synergistic effect on collagen repair, as well as therapeutic levels of Silymarin from Organic Milk Thistle 80, for its liver-boosting effects and protective benefits.
We have heard customers say that their digestive issues started to improve within a day or two of using GI Pro.
GI Pro is a unique, pre-digested, whole food supplement that offers substantial benefits for the digestive system and overall health! The product's predigested collagen (peptide) protein is an amazing food supplement, that allows the body's repair and renewal systems to work more effectively. Collagen protein is the basic building block of healthy cells -- with insufficient collagen, only partial repairs can take place. As we age, even essential repairs become neglected without proper levels of collagen protein.
The hydrolyzed (enzymatically pre-digested) collagen protein in GI Pro is available immediately to the body, and offers unique, powerful benefits for the intestinal tract and the entire body.
Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen Protein is backed by a 40-year history of safe clinical use. This collagen and the other ingredients that make up GI Pro have been carefully selected to support the rapid repair of damaged intestinal tissue and establish optimum flora balance. $59.95 each
Optimal C Elixir
Optimal C may well prove to be a remarkable breakthrough for improving human health, longevity and blood sugar control. It is a frequency enhanced elixir instructing the body to make vitamin C. Humans have not been able to make vitamin C, as most mammals do, because the gene turning on production of the gulonolactone oxidase enzyme is missing. This enzyme is needed to make vitamin C from glucose in the liver.
Mammals that can make their own vitamin C produce massive amounts of it compared to what we get in our modern diet. For example, a 150 pound goat, when unstressed, produces 13,000 mg of vitamin C a day, and when stressed, can produce up to 13 times more, approximately 170,000 mg a day.
Researchers say that the ability to produce vitamin C may be the underlying reason animals can live a healthy life through old age if give half a chance. Optimal C will stimulate your body to produce similar quantities of vitamin C appropriate to your weight. Creating extremely high levels of the most optimal form of vitamin C or ascorbic acid there is, the kind the body makes. Being able to turn on natural vitamin C production in the body makes Optimal C the most valuable supplement there is to prevent disease, to achieve optimal health and to increase longevity.
Depending on how much support your body needs, use 2 to 6 bottles a month of Optimal C for at least 2 months. Then cut down to using 1 or 2 bottles a month. As we do not have this gene, continue using Optimal C to maintain these high levels or your vitamin C levels will rapidly reduce. $39.95
Frequently Asked Questions:
I've tried to fight my Candida in the past, only to stop because I suffered severe die-off symptoms? Which product should I use?
Use CandXpel rather than CandElim. If you don't know if you experience severe die-off, start with CandElim at a very low dose, 3-6 drops per day, gradually working up to full dosage. The elixir Biotic Boost can also be used to gently improve the intestinal flora.
What is the best product to take if I am pregnant or nursing and suffering from toxemia?
If you suffer from toxemia, use CandXpel, starting with just 2 drops per day. In cases of toxemia, also use 1 bottle per month of Toxin Elimination Elixir and 1 bottle per month of UltraLiver12 to improve liver function and to detoxify the body.
If you are pregnant or nursing and are NOT dealing with a build up of toxins in your body (toxemia),start at an extra small introductory dose of CandXpel (3 drops per day), increasing dosages more gradually, every 5 days instead of the usual 3 days. Increase in 3 drop increments rather than the usual 6 drop increments.
If you start feeling lousy, a sure sign of die off, stop immediately, wait a few days until you are feeling better, and decrease your dosage. Die-off is a sign that your liver is not eliminating all the toxins being released by the dying Candida. Using Toxin Elimination Elixir will help to send toxins out of the body. UltraLiver12 helps the liver better handle those toxins.
If I can only afford to get one supplement, what should it be?
CandElim is the most vital supplement. Gradually work up to the 1 to 2 bottle-per-month dosage and maintain that dosage and maintain that dose at least a year. We suggest using 2 bottles a month for 4 months and then 1 bottle a month for 8 months.
At this point, reduce the dosage to 1/3 of a bottle per month To help prevent it from coming back. Along the way, replenish your friendly bacteria, repair leaky gut, calm down the allergies, strengthen the immune system and get the hormones -- sex hormones, adrenals, and thyroid -- back in good shape.
What are the next most important supplement/supplements for me to take?
Alka Super C is equally strong to use, and the strongest if you are also fighting viral infections or other infections.
As it is most often the lack of friendly bacteria in the gut that leads to Candida overgrowth in the first place, using 2 to 3 bottles per month of TotalFlora15 is the next most important supplement to take -- for replenishing the intestinal flora. TotalFlora15 is better than other probiotics at dealing with Candida overgrowth because it has been energy infused with instructions that make it much stronger.
Depending on your specific situation, other issues may be more important to address first:
My specific die-off concerns are flare-ups, food allergies and detoxification -- which product/products should I use?
Take Liver Detox Pathways Elixir, GI Pro and Allergy Relief Elixir. Allergy Relief Elixir calms down the allergic response, and GI Pro helps to speed up healing of leaky gut that caused the food allergies.
Mercury or copper toxicity is a concern for me:
Add on CandiClear5 -- the clay and fossilized marine phytoplankton in it will be absorbing mercury, copper and other heavy metals, safely removing them from the body.
I have ALL the classic symptoms of Candida overgrowth, including brain fog, tiredness, sweet cravings, nail fungus and intestinal discomfort. What products will provide the fastest relief?
If your budget allows, add CandiClear5 along with Alka Super C. The more "ammunition" you throw at the yeast imbalance, the faster the results. Take Liver Detox Pathways Elixir to help get your liver to work better at removing toxins from the body.
My biggest concern is hormone imbalance. Mood swings and emotional instability are affecting me and everyone around me in a negative way:
Use 1 to 2 bottles per month of FemBalance. Use for at least 4 months.
My major issues are adrenal fatigue, night sweats, poor sleep, low metabolism, and low thyroid:
Add on 1 bottle of Tyovu, which optimizes adrenal and thyroid function. One bottle per month is adequate, two per month can be used. Restful Sleep Elixir can also help with sleep.
Money Saving Combos
CandElim and TotalFlora15 Combos
will give you price breaks on these two supplements. You can choose to get 1 bottle of each as a minimal approach, 1 CandElim and 2 TotalFlora15, or 2 CandElim and 3 TotalFlora15.
CandElim Full Candida Elimination Combo
The CandElim Full Candida Elimination Combo contains two each of CandElim, Toxin Elimination Elixir and Oxy Life Force Elixir. In addition you get 1 bottle of GI Pro to speed up healing of leaky gut, 1 bottle of TotalFlora15 to replenish the intestinal flora (one of the few probiotics that can effectively fight candida), and 1 container CandiClear5. Not only will CandiClear5 help you more quickly beat your Candida, it kills parasites, carries mercury and other heavy metals out of your body -- and will help reduce bloating and acid reflux more quickly. Cost for this combo is $429.95, which saves you almost $60 off retail pricing.
There are other combos listed on GetHealthyAgain.com.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call or send us an email.
Need Support?
Fighting Candida can be complex and difficult. We are here to help you on your journey back to Good Health.
To ask a question or, to order these supplements,
Call Get Healthy Again at: 1-800-832-9755 or
1-616-719-1376 or go to:
gethealthyagain.com to order online.
Email us at gethealthyagain@mac.com.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information contained herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or, medical problems. It is not intended to replace your doctor's recommendations. The information is provided for educational purposes only. Nutritional benefits may vary from one person to another.